Screenwriting / Script Analysis

GiraffeLight Media helps producers develop content for feature-length projects. From initial concept, outlining and writing the first draft through rewrites, pre-production and production drafts or consulting on screenplays and other intellectual properties for structural efficiency, and commercial marketability, we are able to walk you through the film development, analysis, and writing process.

Original Screenplay by Stephanie Katz.
Based on the true story of Phil Robertson,
Stephanie met with clients and producers,
conducted extensive interviews, outlined
a basic story, crafted the screenplay,
consulted with producers and director on
subsequent drafts through shooting draft.

Original Screenplay by Stephanie Katz.
Based on the true story of Coach Joseph Kennedy, Stephanie met with the client and producers, conducted extensive interviews, outlined the story and crafted the first draft, created subsequent drafts based on coverage notes, producer and director feedback.

With a PhD in Narrative Studies, over ten years of experience writing screenplays for film and television, as well as over five years of working with production studios and independent producers reading over 750 scripts, manuscripts, books, and rough cuts, Stephanie Katz provides detailed coverage analysis of materials from pre-production to pre-distribution to gauge marketability and potential ROI for investors and producers.
average joe TRAILER
The official sizzle reel for the upcoming production ‘Average Joe,’ the real life story of Coach Joseph Kennedy, a former combat Marine in the first Gulf War who fought for religious liberties in America after he was fired for praying on the football field, leading him to the Supreme Court not once, but twice. Screenplay by Stephanie Katz, Directed by Harold Cronk, produced by GND Media.
Starring: Eric Close & Amy Acker
Directed by: Harold Cronk
DP: Chris Stacy
Screenwriter: Stephanie Katz
Distributed by Fathom Events
The Blind Trailer
The official 2 minute trailer for The Blind distributed by Fathom Events, produced by GND Media Group & Tread Lively, Screenplay by Stephanie Katz and Andrew Hyatt, Directed by Andrew Hyatt, Starring Amelia Eve and Aron von Andrian

Some of our
film production